A publicly traded corporation allows anybody to buy and sell its organized ownership stake in the business by listing its shares on stock exchanges or over-the-counter markets. There is no limit on the number of share classes a company can include in its articles of incorporation, which are the official documents that create the company’s existence in Canada and the US, as long as all privileges and restrictions are explicitly specified in the article. Minimum requirements for a company’s share, if it decides to list just one class of shares, are:
The right to vote
Earnings potential
Whatever happens with the company’s property rights will be dissolved.
Voting Share: Its Definition
A perk of owning voting shares is the ability to vote on issues of corporate policy. The common stock of a company typically represents voting shares. Preferred stock is one type of share that does not necessarily grant the holder the power to vote.
A Guide to Voting Shares
The owners of voting shares can affect a company’s future course of action. For example, shareholders who have the power to vote can use the website www.webvotedirect.com/pmhc to express their opinion on an acquisition offer that a company is contemplating from another firm or an investor group. When a firm needs a vote on something, it usually notifies shareholders who have voting shares in a timely manner.
Their share ownership and value are unaffected by their choice to vote or abstain on such matters. But the votes could lead to other things that change the value of the company’s stock.
Typical Issues with Online Voting
When it comes to implementing internet voting, security is a major worry. When compared to other internet-based processes, voting online does present some distinct difficulties. Online voting security is just one of several elements that contribute to these difficulties. Authentication, integrity, privacy, and verifiability of voters are essential security measures for online voting.
1-Cryptovirus Threat
During the year 2020 and 2021 ransomware tends to be the most crucial danger in the cyber world. Ransomware revolves around the data encryption of a company and an exchange of payment serves as gateway to restore access to that data.
If this kind of attack were to hit an online voting system, it might make all of the data stored on the election servers inaccessible, including the cast votes, forcing the election to be canceled.
2-Threats from Malware
A software that acts to make an unauthorized process that will adversely affect the system’s integrity, confidentiality, or availability is known as “malware“. And the contrasting statement is so true. Every time voting happens online the real issues lies on malware that acts upon the alteration of vote’s contents or reading a voter’s choice.
3-Dangers to data, including those to its availability and integrity
These are two distinct yet interconnected forms of assault. The primary objective of the first is to prevent “the release of sensitive, confidential or protected data to an untrusted environment” by focusing on data. According to the second, “by exhausting resources, causing decreases in performance, loss of data, and service outages,” the online voting system’s availability is threatened.
4-Dangers associated with email
An email-related danger takes advantage of “weaknesses in human behavior concerning e-mail and human habits and aims to manipulate humans to fall victim to an attack.” This includes whaling phishing, smishing, spear-phishing, vishing, BEC, and spam.
5-The spread of false information
Disinformation and misinformation are already present way back then on election campaigns, even before the birth of electronic voting. Being well-versed and educated on digital literacy is the best step for protecting yourself in such cyber-attacks. Just ensure that you have knowledge on spotting and avoiding misinformation campaigns.